Completed in illustrator and photoshop. Made to look like a cut-paper illustration.

When I started I had line on the truck, but I realized it would cover the edges of the "cut-paper" and thus defeat the purpose of the cut-paper style. But I like how the truck looked with line (what can I say? I'm big on line), so here's kinda what it looked like.

You've got some quality vector art on this website. Really impressive Illustrator skills, David!
I like the cell-shaded look of the second piece.
Have you dabbled in any 3D programs to create similar illustrations?
The illustration is great for this one. To make the composition better you should crop off some of the top. Here is what totally sucks on this illo, the texture. Using the same texture over and over like this ends up looking really bad, and to top that off, it's not even a texture you created, it is a crappy filter in photoshop. Your style is obviously flat shapes and lines, if you are going to do texture you need to really push it, or it will look like crap.
Good call on the texture.
I was lazy... what can I say.
Nice illustration. I think that it is well executed. It is obvious that you know much more about digital media than I do. I think that it would have been nice to have more story telling going on. I wish we knew where the truck was, and why it was there. Good job though.
You have a good image going here, but I think you stopped a little too soon. The truck could use a few more details (the wheels?), and why put buildings in the background if you're not even going to attempt to put a face on them? And I agree with Trisha that you should have a story here. That is partly why I liked your E.T./ALF and Superman images so much, but you've lost it this week.
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